Amazonite Tumbled Stone Crystal


Add a touch of tranquility and inspiration to your crystal collection with our polished Amazonite stones. With its gorgeous greenish-blue hue and mesmerizing patterns, Amazonite is not only a beautiful decorative piece but also a powerful crystal with purported healing properties.

Believed to promote emotional balance and stability, Amazonite can help soothe anxiety, fear, and mood swings. It's also thought to enhance communication and self-expression, making it a great crystal to have on hand during important conversations or presentations.

For the creatively inclined, Amazonite is said to stimulate inspiration and boost creativity, making it an excellent tool for writers, artists, and musicians. And for those seeking physical healing, Amazonite may help with issues related to the throat, thyroid, and nervous system.

In addition to its emotional and physical benefits, Amazonite is sometimes used for protection against electromagnetic radiation and environmental pollutants. It's also believed to ward off negative energy and psychic attacks.

Our polished Amazonite stones are perfect for placing on your desk, nightstand, or altar, or carrying with you throughout the day. Each stone is unique and hand-polished, ensuring that you'll receive a one-of-a-kind piece that's perfect for your needs.

Please note that the healing properties of crystals are largely subjective, and that there is no scientific evidence to support these claims. If you're interested in using Amazonite or any other crystal for healing purposes, it's important to approach it with an open mind and to seek guidance from a qualified practitioner.